2018 Jr. FLL Lego Foundation Results

The 2018 Jr. FLL program built upon the 2017 success when Tips partnered with Donna Sullivan-MacDonald to win a grant , valued at more than $6000, that paid for the Jr.FLL registration and  brought 10 WeDo kits and iPads to the Orchard School in South Burlington. The increase in material supplies enabled TIPS to provide Westford Community School with 10 WeDo kits without impacting the program in Richmond. This year’s program has the potential to reach 400+ students and form 60 or more Jr. FLL teams without costing any of the schools a single penny.

Paul Fitzgerald continues to model lessons at Orchard school, which is the in second year of the curriculum. The students are increasing their mechanical skills through builds using spur, bevel and rack gears. The students are increasing their programming skills through the use of loops.

Clink on these links to see photos and videos from robots at the Orchard School in South Burlington

2018WeDoL1, Lesson2, 2018WeDoL3, 2018WeDoL5(racers), 2018WeDoL6(copters)

Paul Fitzgerald also conducted a teacher in-service at Westford School where he demonstrated how to use the kits and how they can be easily integrated into literacy, social studies and science classes. The teachers showed a tremendous enthusiasm and the program should begin shortly.

Westford Photos and Videos

Darcie Ranking continued her great work in Richmond. These videos highlight the work from the parent-robot night!

